

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:33    点击次数:54

【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』松江洞泾板块9&12号线双轨交盘「华发海上都荟」开启认购二期建面约84-101㎡高层&建面约90-136㎡叠加!均价4.91万/㎡总价450万起认购时间:4月18日-4月22日往下阅读项目一房一价表魔都地产人2023年7月11日【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!,华发以总价706310万元成交松江区洞泾镇SJS30006单元04-04、05-01、05-05号地块。对于双地铁盘的华发·海上都荟来说,地段已然无可挑剔,基本预定了下一个上海西南网红盘的地位。【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!再看项目的产品,有国企华发品牌背书,更是让人安全感爆棚,并对品质充满期待!华发在海上都荟上融入华发优+体系5.0产品打造理念,以绿色、智能、宜居、活力为建设宗旨,依靠得天独厚的自然水系生态资源,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!建造新型创新生态和场景开放空间,为洞泾、乃至为松江带来又一个高品质封面之作!项目占地超13万方,规划9栋18层的高层,6栋6层叠加;5栋4层叠加,是松江臻稀的墅级社区!当前400-500万级预算,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!可以买到的双轨交盘仅有松江「华发·海上都荟」一棵独苗。项目距离地铁洞泾站直线距离仅约700米,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!轨交能级很强的9号线和12号线(在建),无缝对接徐家汇、世纪大道、南京西路、漕河泾等市区核心产业区。松江,双轨交全新盘,华发·海上都荟二期将推建面约84-101㎡高层&90-136㎡叠加;均价4.91万/㎡总价450万起;【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!认购时间:4月18日-4月22日;售楼处样板房线上火热预约!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!户型图如下:示范区&样板间实景图华发·海上都荟建筑外立面的设计上采用了现代设计风格,打造现代简洁风格的高层立面形象,设计立足于材料和色彩的种族与调和,建筑与场所形成一种动态的和谐,摒弃了过于复杂的肌理和装饰,简化了线条,兼容华贵典雅与时尚现代感。华发·海上都荟邀请朗道国际景观设计倾力打造诗意园林,项目整体内外景观相互融合,以现代简约手法演绎城市山水意境,通过滨水景观与社区渗透,将项目自然水系引入场地中,同时,与建筑共同营造温馨的都市度假感,雅致的美学氛围让闲适重回生活,打造自然精致的美学人居环境,更以“五重体验空间”构建宜人归家品质生活。华发·海上都荟洞察大盘社交生活需求,打造近1900㎡配套用房,定制多重立体邻里空间生活体系,涵盖健身房、瑜伽室、泳池等运动邻里空间,以及育儿托儿、日间照料中心、文化活动室等丰富的功能共建,致力于构建业主第二会客厅,实现空间咬合,无所拘束的多场景共融。随着轨交12号线西延伸段和沪松快速路的建设,松江洞泾板块将打造集科创、人文、生态于一体,涵盖地铁上盖商业、高品质科创办公、综合文化中心、高端教育配套,古镇特色商业等五大功能,以公共交通为导向的开发综合性地铁TOD。商业方面,洞泾依靠着12号线西延伸,有双TOD规划,其中一个,就是未来湾TOD。就在沪松公路站!还有一个是刘五公路站的生态科技城TOD规划!两大TOD规划很亮眼,都是集地铁上盖商业、高品质科创办公、综合文化中心、高端教育配套和古镇特色商业等多功能于一体的综合性TOD,形成洞泾超级数字场景的标杆示范区。交通方面,该地块距离9号线洞泾站,直线距离约400米,距离在建地铁12号线西延伸段,直线距离约600米。地铁12号线西延伸段,是松江继9号线的第二条轨交地铁线,预计2027年年底通车。自驾可从嘉松南路、沈砖公路等主干道到达各处。示意图@图源网络周边目前就有松江万达广场、五龙商业广场、印象城购物中心等商业综合体。松江万达广场@图源网络‍‍‍‍‍‍教育方面:周边有松江区中山第二小学、洞泾镇同诚中学等学校。【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!9/12号线双轨交盘「华发海上都荟」二期约91-136㎡高层/叠加,均价4.91万/㎡!【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!项目规划9栋18层的高层、6栋6层叠加、5栋4层叠加,是松江臻稀的墅级社区!融入华发优+体系5.0产品打造理念,以绿色、智能、宜居、活力为建设宗旨,依靠得天独厚的自然水系生态资源,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!建造新型创新生态和场景开放空间,为洞泾、乃至为松江带来又一个高品质封面之作!项目建筑外立面的设计上采用了现代设计风格,打造现代简洁风格的高层立面形象,设计立足于材料和色彩的种族与调和,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!建筑与场所形成一种动态的和谐,摒弃了过于复杂的肌理和装饰,简化了线条,兼容华贵典雅与时尚现代感。项目还邀请朗道国际景观设计倾力打造诗意园林,整体内外景观相互融合,以现代简约手法演绎城市山水意境,通过滨水景观与社区渗透,将项目自然水系引入场地中,同时,与建筑共同营造温馨的都市度假感,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!雅致的美学氛围让闲适重回生活,打造自然精致的美学人居环境,更以“五重体验空间”构建宜人归家品质生活。洞察大盘社交生活需求,打造近1900㎡配套用房,定制多重立体邻里空间生活体系,涵盖健身房、瑜伽室、泳池等运动邻里空间,以及育儿托儿、日间照料中心、文化活动室等丰富的功能共建,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!致力于构建业主第二会客厅,实现空间咬合,无所拘束的多场景共融。添加购房群主开启线上一对一购房解答!产品方面,华发始终站在居者的角度,以“革新传统空间”理念,细致考究对空间的每一寸利用,以人性化的户型设计【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!、定制化的户型尺度,在同等的面积下,以更合理规划、科学布局的设计观,打造建筑面积约101㎡的高层户型,以及建筑面积约90㎡—133㎡的4叠、6叠户型,多元的产品户型,满足不同家庭阶段和家庭成员生活所需。项目户型图如下【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!开启线上一对一购房解答!松江作为五大新城中的重点国家级开发区,【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!未来将引领长三角城市的发展推动长三角城市。洞泾作为松江东北部城镇圈和G60科创走廊的重要组成部分,随着长三角一体化国家战略的提出,结合G60科创走廊和上海人工智能产业布局等重大机遇,洞泾将重点打造G60科创走廊示范引领的人工智能【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!科创小镇,成为科创和人才高地。华发海上都荟首入松江,携崭新“优+产品体系5.0”,为洞泾、乃至为松江带来目前区域内综合高品质作品。结合上海生态环【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!境保护“十四五“规划,站位国际领先的可持续性项目规划,项目结合自身的独特聚合优势,在传统TOD规划之上,不可复制的土地生态资源,向东链接G60科创走廊“以镇命名为区块”洞泾人工智能产业基地;向南直达亚洲大学城之一——松江大学城;北侧紧连上海陆面自然山林资源——佘山国家旅游度假【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!区。板块将区域打造成为“科创+文教+生态”交汇的核心新城模式,划立一个崭新的城市单元示范。【交通配套】距离9号线洞泾站直线约800米,12号线(在建中)西延伸线洞泾站位于9号线洞泾站旁,双轨交汇,帷幄交通大境。【商业配套】项目5公里内丰富松江印象城、山姆会员【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!店、万达广场、宝乐汇广场、五龙商业广场、开元地中海、泰晤士小镇等,吃喝玩乐购一站式生活,随时即享。依托轨交配套的落地,在12号线沿线位置将配置生态科技城TOD、未来湾TOD,双地铁上盖TOD规划,规划大型商办综合体、都市体育中【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!心、历史文化馆、特色剧院、图书馆、科技体验展示馆、古镇特色商业街区等。【教育资源】周边有洞泾百鸟幼儿园、洞泾【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales! "Friendly tips: The model room to take an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Songjiang Dongjing plateDouble track offer on line 9&12"Huafa Sea All Icon" open subscriptionThe second phase of construction is about 84-101㎡ high floor& Built surface about 90-136㎡ stack!Average price 49,100 /㎡ total price from 4.5 millionSubscription period: April 18 - April 22Read the item One room One Price list belowModo Real estate peopleJuly 11, 2023 [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales! Huafa sold the plot No. 04-04, 05-01, 05-05, SJS30006 unit, Dongjing Town, Songjiang District, at a total price of 7063.1 million yuan.For the double metro plate Huafa Sea all Hui, the lot has been impeccable, basically booked the status of the next Shanghai Southwest network red plate. 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales! Looking at the products of the project, there are state-owned Huafa brand endorsements, which makes people feel a sense of security and full of expectations for quality!Huafa integrates Huafa excellent + system 5.0 product creation concept in the sea, with green, intelligent, livable and vitality as the purpose of construction, relying on unique natural water system ecological resources, 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing houses are selling well! Build a new innovative ecology and scene open space, and bring another high-quality cover for Dongjing and even Songjiang!The project covers an area of more than 130,000 square meters, planning 9 high-rise buildings with 18 floors, 6 buildings with 6 floors superimposed; 5 4-layer superimposed, is Songjiang rare villa level community! The current 400-5 million budget, 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : real housing is selling! Can buy the double track offer only Songjiang "Huafa · Sea all Hui" a single seedling.The project is only about 700 meters away from the metro Dongjing station, 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea City 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing houses are selling well! Line 9 and Line 12 (under construction) with strong rail intersection seamlessly connect with Xujiahui, Century Avenue, Nanjing West Road, Caohejing and other urban core industrial areas.Songjiang, double-track transfer all new plate, Huafa · Shanghai City Hui Phase II will push the construction surface of about 84-101㎡ high-rise &90-136㎡ superposition; Average price 49,100 /㎡ total price from 4.5 million; 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales! Subscription period: April 18th - April 22nd; Sales office model room online hot booking!【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales!【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales!【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales!The apartment layout is as follows:Demonstration area & model room real pictureThe design of the facade of Huafa · Sea City building adopts a modern design style to create a modern concise style of high-rise facade image. The design is based on the race and harmony of materials and colors, forming a dynamic harmony between the building and the place, abandoning the overly complicated texture and decoration, simplifying the lines, compatible with the luxurious elegance and modern fashion.Huafa · Sea City invited Landau International Landscape Design to create a poetic garden. The overall interior and exterior landscape of the project is integrated with each other, and the artistic conception of urban landscape is interpreted with modern and simple methods. Through waterfront landscape and community penetration, the natural water system of the project is introduced into the site. Create a natural and exquisite aesthetic living environment, and build a pleasant home quality life with the "five experiences space".Hufa · Sea Duhui insight into the needs of social life, to create nearly 1,900 square meters of supporting rooms, customized multi-dimensional neighborhood space living system, covering gym, yoga room, swimming pool and other sports neighborhood space, as well as childcare, day care center, cultural activity room and other rich functions of co-construction, committed to building the owner's second meeting room, to achieve space convergence, Multi-scene integration without restraint.With the construction of the west extension of rail transit Line 12 and the Hu-Song Express Road, Songjiang Dongjing section will build a comprehensive subway TOD that integrates science and technology innovation, culture and ecology, covering five functions such as subway business, high-quality science and innovation office, comprehensive cultural center, high-end education supporting facilities, and characteristic business in ancient town, and is oriented by public transportation.In terms of business, Dongjing relies on the west extension of Line 12, and has two TOD plans, one of which is Future Bay TOD. It's at Husong Highway station! Another one is the TOD planning of the ecological science and technology city of Liu Five Highway station!The two TOD plans are very bright, both of which are comprehensive TOD integrating multiple functions such as subway construction business, high-quality science and innovation office, comprehensive cultural center, high-end education supporting facilities and ancient town characteristic business, forming a benchmark demonstration area of Dongjing super digital scene.In terms of transportation, the plot is about 400 meters away from the Dongjing Station of Line 9, and about 600 meters away from the west extension of Metro Line 12 under construction. The West extension of Metro Line 12, the second rail line in Songjiang after Line 9, is expected to open to traffic by the end of 2027. Drive from Jiasong South Road, Shen Brick Road and other main roads to reach everywhere.Schematic diagram @ Graph source networkAt present, there are commercial complexes such as Songjiang Wanda Plaza, Wulong Commercial Plaza and Impression City Shopping Center.Songjiang Wanda Plaza @Tuyuan ‍‍‍‍‍‍Education: Around the Songjiang District Zhongshan Second Primary School, Dongjing town Tongcheng Middle School and other schools. 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales!Line 9/12 double track offer "Huafa Sea City Gate" phase II about 91-136㎡ high-rise/superposition, the average price 49,100 /㎡! 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales! The project planning 9 18-storey high-rise, 6 6-storey superimposed, 5 4-storey superimposed, is Songjiang rare villa community!Integrate Huafa you + system 5.0 product creation concept, to green, intelligent, livable, vitality for the purpose of construction, relying on the unique natural water system ecological resources, [Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : real housing sales! Build a new innovative ecology and scene open space, and bring another high-quality cover for Dongjing and even Songjiang!The design of the facade of the project adopts a modern design style to create a modern and concise style of high-rise facade image. The design is based on the race and harmony of materials and colors. 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing houses are selling well! The building and place form a dynamic harmony, discarding overly complex textures and decorations, simplifying lines, compatible with luxury and elegance and modern fashion.The project also invited Landao International Landscape Design to create a poetic garden, the overall internal and external landscape integration, with modern simple methods to interpret the artistic conception of urban landscape, through the waterfront landscape and community penetration, the project natural water system into the site, at the same time, and the building together to create a warm urban holiday feeling, 【 Songjiang Huafa sea All Hui 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developer 24 hours hotline) : The real property is selling! The elegant aesthetic atmosphere allows leisure to return to life, create a natural and exquisite aesthetic living environment, and build a pleasant home quality life with the "five experiences space".Insight into the needs of social life, to create nearly 1,900 square meters of supporting rooms, custom multi-dimensional neighborhood space living system, covering gym, yoga room, swimming pool and other sports neighborhood space, as well as childcare, day care center, cultural activity room and other rich functions to build, 【 Songjiang Hufa Sea Hotel 】 Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1115 (developer 24 hours hotline) : The real property is selling! It is committed to building the second meeting room of the owner, realizing the space occlusion and the integration of multiple scenes without restraint.Add a home buyer groupScan the QR codeOpen online one-to-one home buying answer!In terms of products, Huafa has always stood in the perspective of residents, with the concept of "innovation of traditional space", carefully research the use of every inch of space, and humanized house design [Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing houses are selling well! In the same area, with a more reasonable planning, scientific layout design concept, to create a building area of about 101 square meters of high-rise units, and a building area of about 90 square meters - 133 square meters of 4, 6 stack units, multiple product units, to meet the needs of different family stages and family members.The project layout is as follows【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing housing sales!Open online one-to-one home buying answer!Songjiang as a key national development zone in the five new cities, 【 Songjiang Huafa Sea All Hui 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing houses are selling! In the future, it will lead the development of Yangtze River Delta cities and promote the Yangtze River Delta cities.As an important part of the northeast urban circle of Songjiang and the G60 Science and Technology innovation corridor, with the proposed national strategy of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, combined with major opportunities such as the G60 science and Technology Innovation corridor and Shanghai artificial intelligence industry layout, Dongjing will focus on creating artificial intelligence led by the G60 science and technology innovation corridor demonstration [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] 400-960-1115 (developer 24 hours hotline) : The real property is selling! Science and innovation town, become science and innovation and talent highland.Huafa Sea All Hui first into Songjiang, with the new "excellent + product system 5.0", for Dongjing, and even for Songjiang to bring the current comprehensive high-quality works in the region. Combined with Shanghai ecological ring [Songjiang Huafa Sea all Hui] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing houses are selling! Environmental protection "14th Five-Year Plan" planning, the international leading sustainable project planning, the project combined with its own unique aggregation advantages, on the traditional TOD planning, can not be copied land ecological resources, east link G60 science and innovation corridor "town named block" Dongjing artificial intelligence industry base; South to one of the Asian university town - Songjiang University Town; The north side is closely connected to the Shanghai land surface natural mountain forest resources - Sheshan National Tourism Resort [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real property is selling! Ward. The board will build the region into a core new city model of "science and innovation + culture and education + ecology" intersection, and set up a new urban unit demonstration.[Transportation support] About 800 meters away from the Dongjing Station of Line 9, the Dongjing Station of the west extension Line of Line 12 (under construction) is located next to the Dongjing Station of Line 9.[Business support] Within 5 kilometers of the project, rich Songjiang Impression City, Sam's Club [Songjiang Huafa Sea City] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real existing houses are selling! Shop, Wanda Plaza, Baolehui Square, Wulong Commercial Plaza, New Century Mediterranean, Thames Town, etc., eat, drink and buy one-stop life, enjoy at any time.Relying on the landing of rail transportation, the location along Line 12 will be equipped with ecological science and technology City TOD, Future Bay TOD, double subway cover TOD planning, planning large commercial complex, urban sports [Songjiang Hufa Sea City] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real housing is selling! Heart, historical and cultural museum, characteristic theater, library, science and technology exhibition hall, characteristic commercial district of ancient town, etc.[Educational resources] around the Dongjing hundred birds kindergarten, Dongjing [Songjiang Huafa Sea all] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1115 (developers 24 hours hotline) : Real housing is selling! Foreign Language Experimental School, the second affiliated High School of East China Normal University Songjiang Experimental School (Hua II), Ailang Bilingual Kindergarten, and other high-end private schools. Full age education coverage, diversified high-quality education resources. (Non-school district supporting commitment, specific educational resources should be based on the actual planning and requirements of the government)【松江华发海上都荟】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1115(开发商24小时热线):实景现房热销中!外国语实验学校、华东师范大学第二附属中学松江实验学校(华二)、爱朗双语幼儿园、上外西外等高端私立名校4km。全龄段教育覆盖,多元化的优质教育资源。(非学区配套承诺,具体教育资源应以政府实际规划及要求为准)


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